Welcome to our Professional Coaching Platform
At iCan Coaching & Development we have designed our program to help people discover their true identity, purpose and potential in life.
Unfortunately, many people today are struggling with rejection, anxiety, depression, negative core beliefs, trauma, toxic relationships, addictive behaviors and unstable emotions from the wounds of the past that have gone undetected or unresolved. This prohibits people from excelling in life and severely hinders them from engaging in healthy relationships. Our coaching program is designed to get you the help you need to take back your life and establish healthy relationships.
It has been said, “Before you can do something you must first be something.” Our coaching focuses on helping you, the participant, raise your awareness of who you truly are, not based on past events, performance or relationships but rather seeing you like God sees you. Someone that has all the potential within to grow into the amazing person you truly are.
You do not have to go another day feeling stuck in the past. You have been wishing long enough. Let today be the day you take the first step to achieving your dreams and discovering your true identity.
To learn of the many coaching lanes we have for you to choose from. Click on the link below. Your life will be TRANSFORMED.
Are you ready to stop living a life filled with mediocrity and despair? Are you ready to discover that life has a greater purpose for you? Have you tried to change on your own only find yourself stuck in the same place? Are you deeply unsatisfied or bored with life yet don’t know how to live in a more meaningful manner? Or, perhaps you have been abused, rejected or experienced trauma at a young age that left you emotionally wounded. If so .......... YOU NEED COACHING!
Whether you are or have been in a controlling relationship, experiencing relational or marital problems or are trying to break generational curses that have you living a dysfunctional life - this program is for you!
Areas we cover:
Married Guilt Shame Low Self-Esteem Limited Beliefs
Divorced Physically abused Blame Trouble Communicating Arrested Development
Separated Emotionally abused Feel isolated Jekyll/Hyde Personality Codependency
Unmarried Sexually abused Angry Oppressed Disconnected Emotions
Engaged Molested Wounded Soul Manipulated Conflict Avoidance
Teenagers Controlled Intimidated Rejection
Addicted to Porn Adultery Fears/Phobias Abandoned
Bitterness Depressed Narcissistic Relationships Chronic Procrastination
Why do I need life Coaching?
You want more
You want to grow
You want accountability
You want to be challenged
You want tools to succeed
You want balance in life
You want to build healthy relationships
You want motivation and momentum
You want to start a business
You want to be wealthy
You want to establish goals
You want to know your purpose
……….…. and much more!!!
Reasons you should NOT hire a life coach
You’re comfortable with where you are in life and have no desire to realize your full potential.
You don’t want to be challenged, feel uncomfortable or change.
You don’t want to forgive and improve your relationships
You want to be told what to do.
You want a quick fix.
You don’t want to pay for coaching (if you don't see yourself as valuable enough to make an investment in - coaching is not for you)